Communication: A Benchmark of Employee Engagement

Communication: A Benchmark of Employee Engagement

Under the comprehensive topic of employee engagement is the more specific discussion of employee/employer communication. Many managers struggle to find a comfortable balance between being a manager who merely sets expectations regarding employee performance and being...

Custom Solutions to Transform Your Business

Speaker’s Bureau Need a speaker for your group or organization?As an experienced HR Consultant, Trainer, Attorney, and the founder of Ross Insight Solutions, Carolyn Ross, J.D, is available as a speaker for Chambers of Commerce, trade associations, conferences,...

Setting Your Company’s HR Course for 2024

Wishing you all the best in the new year. It was during a flight home from Florida, in April of 2014, that I first read an article written by author Warren Berger entitled, “Chasing Beautiful Questions” in the Southwest Airlines’ onboard Spirit Magazine. The article...
Workplace Culture

Workplace Culture

What is Workplace Culture? According to Indeed, “Work culture is a collection of attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that make up the regular atmosphere in a work environment. Healthy workplace cultures align employee behaviors and company policies with the overall goals...